Bring in the expert

I’ve previously written about and vlogged about copyright, the remix manifesto, and Larry Lessig. I’m also very interested in the concept of stretching the boundaries of learning beyond what is commonly accepted. So it was a delight for me to come across a school media studies class (mrmayo’s blog), which is heavily influenced by Creative Commons, working creatively with digital media.  And not only that, but participating in a Q+A session with Larry Lessig over Skype.

Q+A Part 1

Q+A Part 2

That Larry, a Professor or Law at Stanford Law School, is willing to participate in such an interaction is simply brilliant! It also serves to encourage us all to ask and interact with noted experts across the globe. More and more the barriers of institutions are breaking down and enabling the potential for greater access to education for all.

1 thought on “Bring in the expert

  1. Pingback: Creative Commons Slideshare Presentation « Squire Morley

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